Monday, May 16, 2011

The silliness killed the man

based on "To build a fire"

Based on this history we can critical several features of being human. Human nature being born with certain ways of thinking that makes us distinguishes from each other. In this story other than survival, highlights the human being as arrogant and selfish. It shows how we act when we are in trouble, thinking only of ourselves individually.
I've never had a situation like this and nether identify myself with this story but I can usually identify situations of life and people with whom one associates. We live in a world where people when are confronted with a problem "for his side pull" and don’t care the other peoples. A scene like this is when the man wants to kill the dog for a well for himself. On the other side in this world is much hubris and arrogance of the people, although this is seen in the labor field. Many people to achieve a goal in their lives have the need to feel better than others in order to feel better about himself. This is contrasted in the story in the scene where that man knew he had to return, but instead he wanted to continue his march.
In general, this story of survival helps as people us do a self-criticism to see if we are operating as did this man.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

When the Cold Attacks...

Two years ago I had the opportunity to travel to Europe in March, which is extremely cold, especially in the north of Spain, which I visit. It was my first experience at low temperatures, but I recently had the opportunity to visit places colder, but until then I had never had the chance. Honestly when I read the story To Build a Fire I identified a lot with the dog, this may sound funny, but it was so. My parents insisted that we had to visit all the places they wanted to see despite the cold it was, it seemed as if they didn’t felt and they were not aware of the temperature.

We were bundled up but we were on the coast next to the beaches where the wind was horrible. I had to follow them everywhere, because I had no other choice (which I thank them today, because I enjoyed it) and at times when we found heating finally, they decided to continue with our journey. They were like the man, which only thought about to arrive to the camp. My parents just wanted to visit all the castles, museums, gardens, and all that stuff. Thankfully we didn’t have to build a fire to find heat that is a big difference, but to me is a little bit similar haha! When we were in the car, we had heat, and we have to put out our jackets, but when we wanted to see something we had to stop, put our jackets, get out of the car and again was the cold on our bodies. Obviously I can’t compare this experience with the terrible story of To Build a Fire but I also had to fight against the cold like the characters in the story.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Reaction- Forum 2

My experience doing the forum 2 (A White Heron) was very great because I like very much that theme. In that forum we write about nature, and I think that it is a very important and interesting theme. We talked about the Northeast Ecological Corridor of Puerto Rico that it’s in danger because of the government and is very important that we talk about this type of problems that are in our island.

We have to fight for our natural beauties and in this forum we have the opportunity to express what we feel. If we have the same opportunity to do this with all the problems we have in Puerto Rico it would be wonderful. Sometimes the people want to say or to do something but they don’t find the correct space to do this. This activity helps us to develop our critical thinking, in this case with the nature.

I love everything that is related with animals, and more if they are in danger, because I think that they are like humans. They feel and suffer like us, and they deserve to be protected. In the story A White Heron we saw that the girl decided to protect the heron of the danger that represents the hunter. The same thing we have to do with all the animals that are in danger of extinction. The most dangerous enemy of the nature is we, the humans.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The Northeast Ecological Corridor in Fajardo have a big significant in the environment on Puerto Rico. This cultural value is been damage in the few years. I think that yes, we have to make a build for the tourist attraction like they want but first we have to think if this act will be good or bad for other people, animals or environment. We have to put first of all our national treasure because if we don’t care it who does? Puerto Rico is recognized by the great and abundant ecological place but if we kill that then who will wants to come here. For that I think we have to conserve the ecological Corridor in Fajardo because they build there a lot animal will be with no home.
I admire the girl in the history of “A white heron” because can put first his values than the friendship. If all be like her the whole world be better.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Environmental Problems

The impact of our urban environment on human health has become a critical issue. At present there is a significant amount of deterioration to the environment, caused mostly by human activity. Here industry plays an important role in this area due to elimination of substances which affect the air and water. Humans don’t think of the the long term consequences because some construction or environment projects don’t present immediate effects. Puerto Rico is a tropical island that has been becoming an urban city. One cause of this is population growth. In order to survive and be successive, the people exploit the resources. Some resources exploit are no renewable. In other situation with the construction the animal habitat is missing and become to be in extinction or some has to emigrate. The worse case is the global contamination, the majority people don’t thinks that it is a really problem.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Iguana's Attack

When I came to Puerto Rico, I had a little idea about animals that I will find here, but I never saw, so big and ugly iguana in my life, and she live in the tree in front of my house. She is my neighbor yet.

I like nature so I decided to live surrounded by trees and vegetation, and of course it means their fauna, too.
I know that iguanas are herbivorous but she looked like she eat humans. Long nails, big tail and aggressive look.

Once when I was going to the parking, she was there, in the middle of the road, between my house's door and the road to the parking. I think, iguana felt fear because she was prepared to attack me, she moved her head up to down and she tried to appear bigger.

Now I think, Iguana is a beautiful animal, and maybe I am invading her enviroment and not the other way.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

From My Window...

When I look at the environment that is around me, I see green color mixed with grey color. This is nature disrupted by buildings and houses, but nevertheless I can enjoy it. It is wonderful to me every morning, when I look out my window and see the sun rise. It is a mixture of yellow, orange and blue sky that leaves me amazed. It’s really beautiful!

The most noticeable is a great mountain full of trees, very green. You see some palm trees that adorn the street with lots of flowers around them. I always hear the noise of the pigeons living on my air conditioner (ha ha ha). I find it very funny to see hundreds of pigeons in the middle of Guaynabo City. Sometimes this makes me feel like I live in the countryside.

I love to see the stars shinning in the sky every night. Luckily, very little light shines into my room, and I can appreciate the stars. When the moon is full and I turn off the lights in my room, I can see her through the curtain of the window and it is a spectacular image. Actually, it’s interesting to see the contrast of nature surrounded by all the cement that humans have created around it.